US Department of Energy announces $20 million to explore potential of geologic hydrogen

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Given recent interest in the discovery of naturally accumulating deposits of subsurface hydrogen known as geologic hydrogen, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced up to $20 million in funding to develop technologies that can stimulate the generation of hydrogen within the subsurface at the lowest cost and environmental impact.

This new effort could potentially enable the production of enough hydrogen to decarbonize our most challenging industries, which supports the Biden Administration’s net-zero goals. “ARPA-E supports transformational, impactful energy technologies.

So, when it comes to geologic hydrogen, we’re asking ‘are there disruptive ways to access this hydrogen source and explore the potential?’” said ARPA-E Director Evelyn N. Wang. “There is significant opportunity to accelerate the development of hydrogen production, and I look forward to the teams pursuing this exploration.” 


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